Leslie Thomas Junior High

March 6th, 2023

• The Emera Oval Skating trip has been cancelled. If there is no make up date all students will be reimbursed their skating fee.

• Chess Club with Mr. Martin will take place this Thursday @ Lunch.

• Pi Day Challenge
In 2019, an employee of Google had found nearly 9 trillion new digits of pi, setting a new record. That means humans, with the help of computers, have now calculated the never-ending number to about 31.4 trillion (get it?) decimal places and there is still no pattern or repetition. Our grades 7&8 competition will happen next week. Each class will have one winner and that person will receive 2 free Pizza Day lunches! The person who memorizes the most places after the decimal will win 4 Pizza day lunches! You only need to know one more digit than someone in your class!

• Intramural hockey tomorrow. The draft will take place Tuesday at lunch, 12:10 in Mr. Deveau’s room.

• Grade 6 Badminton Intramurals Monday. Grade 7 and 8 Badminton intramurals Friday.

• Boys’ Basketball players please hand in your jerseys. You will be charged $50 if your uniform is not handed in by Friday.

• Badminton club/tryouts Monday, Weds, Thursday after school 3:15-4:30pm.

• The winners of the library’s “100 dollar dash” both made it past 100 dollars! The ice cream party goes to Homer Simpson and 6-2. They raised $6.79 per student. The pizza party prize goes to the Gruffalo and 6-6. They raised $460 for new library books. Thank you to everyone who donated to the fundraiser.