Leslie Thomas Junior High

March 7th, 2023

• The Emera Oval Skating trip has been cancelled. If there is no make up date all students will be reimbursed their skating fee.

• Chess Club with Mr. Martin will take place this Thursday @ Lunch.
Grade 7 and 8 Badminton intramurals Friday.

• Rock band rehearsal today in the band room during lunch time. Jazz band rehearsal tomorrow morning at 8:00 am.

• Pi Day Challenge
Pi is actually a part of Egyptian mythology. People in Egypt believed that the pyramids of Giza were built on the principles of pi. The vertical height of the pyramids have the same relationship with the perimeter of their base as the relationship between a circle’s radius and its circumference. The pyramids are phenomenal structures and are one of the seven wonders of the world. Our grades 7&8 competition will happen this week. Each class will have one winner and that person will receive 2 free Pizza Day lunches! That means for two Thursdays, you will receive one slice of pizza and a juice box for FREE! The person who memorizes the most places after the decimal will win 4 Pizza day lunches! Will you be the winner?

• Boys’ Basketball players please hand in your jerseys. You will be charged $50 if your uniform is not handed in by Friday.

• Badminton club/tryouts Monday, Weds, Thursday after school 3:15-4:30pm.

• Intramural hockey tomorrow. The draft will take place Tuesday at lunch, 12:10 in Mr. Devean’s room. All hockey players must attend.

• Pizza ordered tomorrow, and sold and delivered on Thursday.

• The winners of the library’s “100 dollar dash” both made it past 100 dollars! The ice cream party goes to Homer Simpson and 6-2. They raised $6.79 per student. The pizza party prize goes to the Gruffalo and 6-6. They raised $460 for new library books. Thank you to everyone who donated to the fundraiser.

• Grade 6 Smashball in the gym today at lunch. Grade 7s play tomorrow and 8s on Thursday. That’s grade 6 smashball in the gym today at lunch. New players are always welcome!