Leslie Thomas Junior High

May 31st, 2023

Boys’ softball tryouts today after school, 3:10pm to 4:30pm. Please meet in the gymnasium.

Grade 7 and 8 intramurals today 12:25pm.

Attention Grade 8 students:
The Sackville High School Grade 9 Orientation will be Wednesday, June 7th in the evening from 6:30-7:30pm. You and your parents are welcome to attend. The tour will start in the gym and be led by SHS Student Council students. There will be an ice cream sandwich at the end.

Attention Grade 8 Students:
The application for the Leslie Thomas Volunteer and Citizenship awards can be picked up from Mme Mac or Mr. Mac and must be returned by Friday, June 2nd. This award will be given out at the end of the year during our awards ceremony.

Tour band rehearsal today after school until 4:00

All Track Athletes, please return your jerseys to Mme Isert as soon as possible.  Soon, your names will be in the announcement.  Also, please see Mme Isert if you left a ballcap or hoodie in her tent.

There will be a meeting in Room 205 during lunch today at 12:25pm for students interested in a leadership opportunity to organize some upcoming activities for the school.