Leslie Thomas Junior High

May 30th, 2023


Boys Softball tryouts will start on Tuesday. 3:10pm to 4:30pm. Boys and Girls softball players interested in trying out must sign up on Mr. Hulshof’s webpage. All players must have a ball glove.

Pizza will be ordered Weds and sold and delivered on Thursday.

LT Hockey pizza party today at lunch, 12:05pm in Mr. Devean’s room.

June is Pride month. To celebrate, GSA is inviting all students to take part in an art contest. You may create any piece of art related to the LGBTQ2SIA+ community and pass it into the band room from June 8-12. Good luck!

All Track Athletes, please return your jerseys to Mme Isert as soon as possible.  Also, please see Mme Isert if you left a ballcap or hoodie in her tent.