LT Daily Announcements

LT Daily Annoucements

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Gsa today in the library at lunch. 

Also, tomorrow is International Pronoun Day.  Wear your Pronoun proud!

Knowledgehook Winner

Another year has started and the first Knowledgehook Full mathalon winner is James Hayford in 7-3. James worked super hard and completed his half mathalon in September and his full Mathalon on October 8. Way to go James! Don’t forget you can earn stars by doing extra questions at home. Keep working hard everyone and you can win a medal and hear your names on the announcements as well!

There will be boys volleyball tryouts today after-school from 3:10-5pm.  First cut is posted.

Mr. Martin’s Aquarium Club kicks off this Friday after school in room 202. Be there or be square! 

Grade 7 and 8 intramurals today, 12:30pm. Please line up outside Mr. Hulshof’s office.

Pizza will be ordered tomorrow, bring $5 to your first period class.

A reminder to band students that there is Jazz band and tour band rehearsals tomorrow. Jazz band will rehearse before school starting at 8:00 am, and the tour band will be after school until 4:00.

Boys’ soccer semifinal has been rescheduled to Thursday, 3:30pm at the Met Field.

Girls will play Weds, 4:40pm at MSMS.

Girls’ volleyball tryouts tomorrow from 4-6pm. You must leave the school and come back for 4pm as you will not be supervised in the gym before that time. There will be a tryout list posted by the end of the day. Thank you to all those who tried out


Thursday, October 10

There is a girls’ volleyball workshop in the gym today at lunch when everyone is dismissed to go outside at around 12:25pm.

There will be boys’ volleyball tryouts today after-school from 3:10-5pm.  The second tryout will be Tuesday after-school.

A reminder that there is tour band rehearsal today after school until 4:00

Pizza will be sold and delivered today in the cafeteria.

Yesterday the 4th annual Gaga ball tourney concluded, in a Royal Rumble final one student outlasted 29 other competitors, Ethan Wood became LT’s first 2 time Gaga ball champion. Big thanks to all the competitors. 


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Mr. Martin’s world famous Chess Club will take place today at lunch in room 202. All are welcome. 

There will be boys’ volleyball tryouts tomorrow after-school from 3:10-5pm.

Girls’ volleyball tryouts will take place today 3:10-5pm, there is a list posted outside Mr. Hulshof’s office. If you are on the list you are invited back to today’s tryout. Thank you to all those who tried out.

Gaga ball finals will take place at lunch if the weather holds up. 

There will be a quick meeting at 12:10 for all the students interested in attending wrestling practice. Please meet in the gym at the start of lunch with Coach Mike Lidstone.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Boys’ volleyball tryout today is cancelled but will continue on Thursday after-school.

Mr. Martin’s world-famous Chess Club will take place Wednesday, Oct. 9th at lunch in room 202. All are welcome. 

GSA will take place today in the library at lunch, all are welcome. Happy International Lesbian Day, from your LT GSA group. 

Gaga ball Royal Rumble finals today if the weather holds up. 

Pizza will be ordered tomorrow and sold and delivered on Thursday. 

Big thank you to all students who participated in the Terry Fox run. Students can still bring in money this week to support cancer research. 

A reminder to all grade 7 & 8 band students that there is Jazz band and tour band rehearsals tomorrow. Jazz band will rehearse before school starting at 8:00 am, and the tour band will be after school until 4:00.

Both LT lions soccer teams suffered tough losses yesterday. Congratulations to both soccer teams on making the playoffs! We wish you the best of luck in the remainder of your season. Both soccer teams will practice tomorrow, Wednesday October 9th at the Met field until 5pm. 


Friday, October 4

There is a boys volleyball workshop in the gym today at lunch when everyone is dismissed to go outside at around 12:25pm.

Crochet Club will be hosted by Anna in room 205 at lunch on Monday when everyone is dismissed outside at around 12:25pm.  Anna has all the supplies that you will need.

Gaga ball Royal Rumble will be postponed until Monday so that everyone can go to the volleyball workshop.

Girls wrestling practice Friday, 3:10-4:30pm.

Girls volleyball tryouts will start Monday, please sign up online on Mr Hulshof’s website, and fill out the google form. Tryouts will go from 3:10pm -5:10pm.

Boys tryouts will be next week, you must also fill out the google form on Mr Hulshofs website. 

Gaga ball Royal Rumble will be postponed until Monday so that everyone can go to the volleyball workshop.

The Terry Fox run will take place 5th period today. Please wait until you are called down to make your way to the Met Field. Teachers can you ask your students if anyone has brought in a loonie or toonie to support cancer research. When you are down at the track you can find one of the grade 8s who are handing “I am running for stickers” These stickers are for individuals who you know have battled cancer.  If you do not know anyone you can have your sticker say, “I am running for Terry”

On September 1st, after 143 days and 5,373 kilometres (3,339 miles), Terry was forced to stop running outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The only thing that could have stopped him did: cancer had appeared in his lungs. Even from Terry’s hospital bed, he continued to talk about the importance of donating to cancer research. He asked Canadians to continue to support his Marathon of Hope; he hoped his second diagnosis would help everyone understand that cancer could happen to anyone, even someone who had just raised over $1.7 million for research.