Leslie Thomas Junior High

June 13th, 2024

• This message is for students who use the field during outside time at lunch.  There is an increased amount of garbage being left on the field.  The field is used by other clubs/groups and it is not ok for students to be leaving their garbage behind while down on the field.  If this behaviour continues, the field will not longer be an option.  Please clean up after yourselves!

• Students who are interesting in being part of a student leader opportunity to host and organize Field Day for the school, please meet in room 205 Tuesday at 12:25pm.  It  is the last meeting before Field Day.

• Reminder to GSA students to meet today in the Library at lunch.

• Girls’ softball practice today at 12:20 in the gym.

• No girls’ intramurals today.

• Softball players please pass in your permission forms and pay your fee online to Mr. Hulshof by Friday.

• Pizza will be sold and delivered today in the cafeteria.

• Grade 8 students attending the paddling trip please meet in the gym at 3:15