Leslie Thomas Junior High

June 3rd, 2024

• Grade 8 Citizenship Award Application
Citizenship awards are given to grade 8 students who volunteer at LT and in the community. Citizenship award applications can be picked up from Mr. or Mme Mac. These forms are due back to either Mr. or Mme Mac by this Friday, June 7th at the latest.

• Grade 8 students are reminded to pass in their field trip form to their healthy living teacher. Field trip forms for the Movie on June 19th are due Wednesday June 12th.

• Students who are interesting in being part of a student leader opportunity to host and organize Field Day for the school, please meet in room 205 tomorrow at 12:25pm.

• A reminder to band students that there is tour band rehearsal today after school until 4:00 pm.

• Grade 8 students interested in joining the Field Trip to Sackawa Paddling club on June 13th can pick up a form from Mrs Archibald or Mr. Hulshof in the gym. Only the first 30 forms returned will be eligible to go. Students must also have their own PFD/Lifejacket checked by Mrs Archiabld before the trip. Forms for the trip are due before June 7th.

• Attention all Girls’ Softball players:  the first tryout for softball will be Tuesday, June 4.  in the gym at 12:30.  A  ball glove is needed for tryouts.  Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board outside gym doors.

• Knowledgehook Winners
Congratulations to Jack Peirera in 7-3 who received a ½ Mathalon last week in Knowledgehook. Keep working hard everyone on those extra math questions and see if you can finish out the year with a full mathalon and a medal!

• Boys’ softball tryouts Tuesday, 3:10-4:30pm

• Boys’ softball practice Thursday, 3:10-4:30pm

• There will be a change in intramurals this week.  Grade 7 and 8 pickleball tourney all week, no intramurals Tuesday. Thursday is female only intramurals.

• Intramural hockey lunch party this Tuesday, 12:10 in Mr. Deneau’s room.