Leslie Thomas Junior High

June 6th, 2023

Girls softball tryouts, Wednesday at 12:25. You must sign up on Mr. Hulshof’s website and you must have a baseball glove. You must have a glove to tryout.

All Track Athletes, please return your jerseys to Mme Isert as soon as possible.  Thank you to those who have already turned them in.  As an example, Mme is looking for singlet #40 and t-shirt numbers 1,16, 25,...  Soon, your names will be in the announcement.

Attention Grade 8 students:
The Sackville High School Grade 9 Orientation will be Wednesday, June 7th in the evening from 6:30-7:30pm. You and your parents are welcome to attend. The tour will start in the gym and be led by SHS Student Council students. There will be an ice cream sandwich at the end.

June is Pride month. To celebrate, GSA is inviting all students to take part in an art contest. You may create any piece of art related to the LGBTQ2SIA+ community and pass it into the band room from June 8-12. Good luck!

There will be a meeting in Room 205 during lunch tomorrow at 12:25pm for students organizing some upcoming activities for the school.  Feel free to bring a friend to help.  Come with your new ideas to add to our plan and to choose your favourite!

There is a grade 7 mandatory rehearsal today in the band room starting at 12:15.

Jazz band rehearsal tomorrow morning at 8:00 and Tour band rehearsal tomorrow after school.

Grade 7 and 8 intramurals today.

Pizza ordered tomorrow sold and delivered on Thursday.

The boys’ softball players still trying out will have a hitting practice at the Sportwheels warehouse today at 3:30pm.

Tennis club will take place Wednesday after school 3:10-4:10.