Leslie Thomas Junior High

June 2nd, 2023

Boys softball tryout today after school. 3:10pm to 4:30pm.

Grade 7 and 8 Poul Ball Intramurals at lunch.

Attention Grade 8 students:
The Sackville High School Grade 9 Orientation will be Wednesday, June 7th in the evening from 6:30-7:30pm. You and your parents are welcome to attend. The tour will start in the gym and be led by SHS Student Council students. There will be an ice cream sandwich at the end.

Attention Grade 8 Students:
The application for the Leslie Thomas Volunteer and Citizenship awards can be picked up from Mme Mac or Mr. Mac and must be returned TODAY. This award will be given out at the end of the year during our awards ceremony.

Attention anyone 13 or older: On June 6 and 8 at 6:30, there is an information session at the Sackville Sports Stadium about their Summer Youth Leadership Program. Parents and teens are welcome to attend. The youth leadership program involves leadership training, helping recreation staff with kids programs, as well as spending time with peers at social events.

Do you like to sing?
The Cantatrice Ensemble Honour Choir are holding auditions for treble voice singers.
Please see poster in main office for more information.

June is Pride month. To celebrate, GSA is inviting all students to take part in an art contest. You may create any piece of art related to the LGBTQ2SIA+ community and pass it into the band room from June 8-12. Good luck!