Good evening Parents/Guardians of the LTJH Community:
Here is a look at the week ahead!
Grade 8 Millbrook Trip
A reminder that Grade 8s (82,84,85 and part of 81) will be heading to Millbrook Cultural and Heritage Center on Monday. (83 and the other part of 81 will go at another time). Please bring a lunch and a water bottle.
French Immersion Information Session
Leslie Thomas will be hosting a French Immersion Information Session on February 5th at 6pm in the Library for parents/guardians of students in grade 6 English classes who are looking to enroll in our Late French Immersion classes starting in Grade 7.
Arrival Times
A reminder that staff arrives on site for duty at 8:50am. On occasion, when the weather isn’t cooperating, we will allow students indoors, but only after 8:50am. We understand that students may be arriving earlier, however staff supervision during these instances will start at 8:50am.
Beverages in classrooms
All beverages permitted in classrooms must be in a spill proof cup/water bottle. We are asking students NOT to have open cans of pop, energy drinks, iced caps, etc in classrooms. Teachers can ask students to dispose of these items upon entering classrooms. If you could discuss this with your student, we would greatly appreciate it.
Homework Hub for Mathematics
Does your child ever ask you how to do a math problem that leaves you stumped? The Homework Hub is now open for mathematics tutoring. Tutoring is available at the following times:
- Grades 4-6: Monday-Wednesday 5:30-6:30 pm
- Grades 7-12: Sunday-Thursday 5:30-9:30 pm
The Homework Hub also provides access to electronic textbooks, instructional videos, vocabulary review, and practice questions.
Students log in to their gnspes accounts and click the icon for Nova Scotia Homework Hub.
I have four children at home and we’ve used it a few times! There are live tutors available to help with any type of math question! It’s amazing!
Important Dates
January 20th – Millbrook Trip
February 5th – French Immersion Info Session
February 17th – Heritage Day (no students)
February 20th – School Dance
All the Best,
Staff and Administration of LTJH