Leslie Thomas Junior High

Parent-Teacher Interviews Booking System

Parent – Teaching meetings are scheduled for Thursday, March 31st from1pm to 3pm and later the same day from 5pm to 7pm. Leslie Thomas will once again be using an online booking system to book appointment times with teachers. During both sessions, the first hour will be for virtual/phone meetings and the second hour for in-person meetings. Each appointment will be for 5 minutes and ask families to respect this time limit. Families are reminded that teachers can be contacted anytime
throughout the year.
We will be offering two types of meetings:
• Option A (In-Person Meeting): If you would like to meet in person, please book between the following times:
o from 2pm to 3pm
o from 6pm to 7pm
• Option B (Telephone Meeting): If you would like book a telephone appointment, please book between the following times:
o from 1pm to 2pm
o from 5pm to 6pm
The following link will be available from Friday Morning to next Wednesday afternoon. Parents can book for this event by going to the website schoolinterviews.ca and entering the event code twncw. This will take you to step 1 to enter your details.
Clicking the booking link or scanning the booking QR code bypasses the event code and allows you to go straight to step 1. This streamlines the booking process.
Booking Link: