Leslie Thomas Junior High

March 12th, 2020


   Badminton club today 3-4:30 Today we will be deciding the 8 students who will play on the team.

   Tomorrow for the final day for Spirit Week ...... Its Pajama Day!!!

   Curling tomorrow: All students need a helment and clean shoes for the ice......

   The Pi Day competition at noon in Mme Mac's room.

    Bring your lunch and arrive at 11:50. The Grade 8 students who are culing will compete last but make sure to hurry back from the rink. There will be a winner from each grade 7&8 homeroom and one for the school overall Rember, you only have to know one more digit than anyone else in your class! Good Luck! Each winner will receive a $10 Cineplex gift card and the school winner will get $20.00 and an apple pie!